Izincwadi Zezingane Ezikhuluma Ngezilimi Ezimbili

Izincwadi zezingane ezikhuluma izilimi ezimbili ngezinkulungwane zezinhlanganisela zezilimi:

🌍   Kuwo wonke amazwe emhlabeni

🏆🏆🏆   Ukuwina imiklomelo eminingi

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📚   200+ ngezilimi ...


"This is baby’s favorite book!"Feedback from the United States

"This has been my daughter’s favourite book since she was 4 months old. The sentences are nice and short so she doesn’t lose interest in the pictures while I’m reading each page."Feedback from the UK

"Muito legal esse livro. Singelo, divertido e relacionado ao universo da criança. Bom pra desenvolver o vocabulário. As ilustrações são lindas. Meu filho adorou."Feedback from Brazil


"You are small or big depending on with what you relate to. A simple cute book which exactly portrays this message."Feedback from India

"Muy buen libro infantil. Dinámico, orgánico, perfecto para aprender en romaji. De fácil lectura y con una protagonista realmente encantadora"Feedback from Mexico

"Beautifully illustrated and cleverly written."Feedback from Australia

"We are in love with this book!"Feedback from the United States

"Written in a very simple way but with a profound message for both adults and kids."Feedback from the United States

"Whenever I have time to read to her, she wants this book. And she repeats words. That’s insanely cute."Feedback from Canada


"Mia figlia di due anni e mezzo è entusiasta dei disegni bellissimi e dei colori. Apprezza anche le vicende di una bimba nè grande nè piccola ma giusta così."Feedback from Italy

"My three year olds love it and the story’s concept will grow with them for several years to come making it a keeper."Feedback from the U.S.

"A nuestra hija le ha encantado. [...] Estamos muy satisfechos con la compra."Feedback from Spain


Mayelana nombhali

uPhilipp Winterberg wafundela ezokuxhumana ngesayensi, ukusebenza kwengqondo kanye nezomthetho. Uhlala eBerlin futhi uthanda okuhlukahlukene.Uke wayo pharashutha eNamibia, waya kocabangisisa ngokomqondo eThailand, futhi wabhukuda noshaka nama stingrays eFiji nase Polynesia.

Izincwadi zika Philipp Winterberg zisethulela indlela entsha yokubuka izinto ezibalulekile ezifana nobungani, ukucabangela abanye kanye ne njabulo. Zifundwa ngolimi kanye nasemazweni kumhlaba wonke. Funda kabanzi...


"I got this book to read with my granddaughters, one from the US and one from Portugal. It is so incredibly cute! They loved it, and I did too. I highly recommend this book!"Feedback from the U.S.

"Ce petit livre est tout ce que j’aime !!! Le graphisme, les couleurs, tout y est magnifiquement soigné, poétique et charmant !!! [...] Une merveille de beauté et de magie à ne pas louper !!!"Feedback from France

"My little boy loves this as a bedtime story. It’s colourful and quirky. [...] I thought it would be uninteresting to a child, to be read to in another language, but he asks for ’Bin ich klein’ and it melts my heart!"Feedback from the United Kingdom


Incwadi yomhlaba wezingane elingene wonke amazwe emhlabeni jikelele

Kusukela kwizi Aramu: Lesithombe esithi Ingabe ngimncane na? sesihlaziywe ngezilimi Eziwu 200 kanye nemisindo kusukela sishicilelwe.

Le ndaba kambhali uPhilipp Winterberg iyatholakala kuwo wonke amazwe emhlabeni cishe ngolimi olulodwa olukhululwa kuleso Sizwe. Incwadi yezingane yokuqala vo emhlabeni ehlanganise umhlaba wonke.

Kulencwadi Ingabe ngimncane na? abafundi abancane nabadala abafana futhi abaphelezele lentombazanyana uTamia kuloluhambo olugcwele izimanga. Ndawonye bathola ukuthi ubukhulu buyafana nokuthi uTamia nje uyafaneleka ngendlela ayiyo noma adalwe ngayo. “Okuthakathayo” kwehlulela iphepha bhuku lezokuhweba Eselsohr. “iyisimangaliso emindenini ekhuluma izilimi eziningi nasenkulisa,” Kusho i Börsenblatt kanye nephepha ndaba elihlaziya izincwadi i Kirkus Reviews sicela izincomo “eyabantwanyana abakujabulelayo ukupheqa pheqa amakhasi agcwele imilingo yezilwane nezimangaliso zezincazelo [...] ichazwe ngamazwi alula futhi ahlanganisayo nagcwele izithombe ezicabangisana imicabango emihle.” Funda kabanzi...


"This is done with simplicity at its finest. The art is whimsical, the message is clear and most of all my grandson loves it. I would recommend this book to any child provider as part of their reading library."Feedback from the U.S.

"I got this book when my daughter was 3 years old. I used to read it for her in English and Arabic. Now, she’s 6 and still loves this book."Feedback from the United States